Dates and Times

TIP: Entering Dates and Times

There are multiple ways to optimally use the date and time fields. You can type in a specific date (dd/mm/yyyy), select the calendar icon Calendar icon, or use arrows to scroll between days, months, and years.

For example, click on the year (it will be highlighted gray) and type in the desired year or scroll up and down using your arrow keys to move from one year to another.


Hiding Fields

Q: Can I hide or disable certain fields?

A: Yes, there are a couple of options available for hiding and disabling fields.

Lock lock volunteer profile icon a Volunteer Profile:

There is a lock lock volunteer profile icon option in a volunteer’s profile (top-right). When selected, a volunteer can view all fields in their profile but the volunteer cannot edit those fields.

NOTE: Volunteers can only view their own profiles and not those of other volunteers. All Notes are hidden from a volunteer unless otherwise indicated by the Administrator or Supervisor.

Field Access Options:

Administrators have the ability to disable and hide certain fields. Visit the Organization section (i.e. select your organization’s name along the left-hand side) and select the Options tab.

Under Field Access Options, select one of the following options beside the field listed:
– Volunteers, supervisors, and administrators can view and edit this field (default)
– Supervisors and administrators can view and edit this field
– This field has been disabled and cannot be viewed or edited

NOTE: Administrators have the ability to view and modify all fields.

Position vs. Volunteer Opportunity

Q: What’s the difference between a Volunteer Opportunity and a Position?

A: A volunteer opportunity is used to recruit new or existing volunteers to volunteer for your organization and the title may be catchy, similar to an advertisement.

A position is the name of an actual volunteer position within the organization and may have a more official and perhaps more detailed internal job description as compared to a volunteer opportunity.

For instance, a public facing volunteer opportunity may not have as much detail or may not contain confidential information about a position (e.g. details related to travel reimbursements).


Q: How do I add a Position for a volunteer?

A: Visit the main Volunteers section Volunteers Tab and select a volunteer.

  1. Select the Positions icon Positions(top)
  2. Select thePlus symbolbutton (top right) to select or create a new position (e.g. Front Desk)
  3. Select a Position from the drop-down (this position would have been created via the Organization section)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Or, create a new position:
  1. Enter the Name of the position
  2. Select the Department / Program that the position is affiliated with
  3. Select the Site for the position
  4. Select the Supervisor for the position
  5. Enter a Description of the position
  6. Save buttonthe information

Q: Can I add multiple positions for a volunteer?

A: You can add an unlimited number of positions for a volunteer. Simply select thePlus symbolbutton (top right) to add another Position.

Q: How do I search for a volunteer by position?

A: Please visit the Searching for volunteers section here to learn more.


Q: How do I use the Keywords field and search for Keywords?

A: Organizations can use the Keywords field (Demographics tab in a volunteer’s profile) to identify specific characteristics of a volunteer.

For instance, the keywords field can be used to link family members (e.g. Smith Family), identify specific skills (e.g. Piano Playing, Marketing), and corporate groups (e.g. TD Group).


The keywords field is flexible and keywords are defined by your organization. NOTE: Use commas to separate keywords (e.g. Marketing, Graphic Design).

To search on Keywords later, visit the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab. For example, if you use “Smith Family” as a keyword then you can search for relations with that keyword via the Search bar in the Volunteers tab to view all family members. To learn more about searching, visit our Searching Volunteers FAQs here.

Volunteers Tab Search Bar

TIP: Keyword CONsistency

Keywords can be specific to an organization. In order to maintain consistency of keywords within your organization, you can maintain a common list of keywords and ‘rules’ internally to be shared among all Administrators and Supervisors (e.g. corporate group format as “[Company Name] Group”).

Searching Volunteers

Q: How do I search and filter for individual volunteers, groups of volunteers or for specific volunteer characteristics?

A: There are several ways to search for an individual volunteer or for characteristics of volunteers namely:

(i) Select the Volunteer tab (left-hand side) Volunteers Tab then use the search bar to filter volunteers.

Volunteers Tab Search Bar

Use the search box to enter a volunteer’s name, employer, education, or a keyword (e.g. marketing) and select the Search button Search button to filter results. For example, if you used “marketing” as a keyword in several volunteer profiles, then all of those volunteers will be listed.

You can also filter by Access (e.g. Volunteer, Supervisor, Administrator) and Status (eg. Active, Inactive, Pending Approval).

Use the Advanced Search to Advanced Searchto access additional filters such as Position, Department, Site, Age, etc.

Advanced Search filters

(ii) The Reports Reports tab section (left-side) can be used to run specific reports on skills, languages, hours, etc. with several filtering options as well. Visit the Reports FAQs here.

Q: How can I find my inactive volunteers?

A: ​You can locate your inactive volunteers via the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab. Select “Inactive” from the Status drop-down menu along the top OR select the Advanced Search button to filter your volunteers. ​

NOTE: Status autodefaults to “Active” in the Volunteers tab.

Group Volunteers

Q: How do we capture group volunteer information?

A: A group needs to be attached to a person (e.g. the lead contact for that organization) and you can choose to capture all of those contacts separately or maintain that information in one profile. If groups are to sign up, there are several ways to capture that information in our system via the Volunteers tab, namely:

(i) Via Demographics tab > Keywords field

Enter group name in the Keywords field (e.g. Corporate Group) and search for the keywords via the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab search bar.


(ii) Via Employers tab > Company field

Enter company name for the group here and search for the company via the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab search bar.

Organizations can subsequently use the search bar in the Volunteers tab to search on entries at any time (e.g. search for a Keyword or Employer, and all volunteers with that employer or keyword will be listed).

Volunteers Tab Search Bar

Q: How do I import volunteers and can I bulk upload information about group volunteers?

A: We can bulk upload volunteers for you. In case you need help uploading your existing volunteers into Charity Republic, we have an Excel template to help you organize the information. When you’re ready, email to request the template then send it back with all the relevant information. We will upload it for you right away.

Q: Can you link accounts based on family relations?

A: Organizations can use the keywords section (Demographics tab in a volunteer’s profile) to link family members. For example, type in “Smith Family” as a keyword then search for family members with that keyword via the Search bar in the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab to view all related family members.


Organizations can use the Comments / Notes section Comments and Notes section in a volunteer’s profile (top) to indicate connections between volunteers as well.


Q: How and where do I capture volunteer skills?

A: Select a specific volunteer and select the Current Skills or Developing Skills Current and Developing Skills section sections in the volunteer’s profile (left-side of volunteer’s profile).

The Current Skills are the skills the volunteer currently possesses. Developing Skills are the skills the volunteer wishes to develop when volunteering with your organization.

Our skills listing was developed by the Ontario Volunteer Centre Network (OVCN) and includes the following categories of skills:
Communication, Creative, Finance / Fundraising, Interpersonal, Leadership, Numeracy, Organizational, Personal Qualities, Technical, Technology.

To add a skill, simply click on the skill (e.g. Creative Thinking) and it will appear in the skills box (at the top of the Skills page).

Leadership Skills

Q: What if a skills is not listed? How do I add a new skill?

To add a new skill (that is not listed), simply type in the skill you desire into the Other field and press <Enter>. The new skill will appear in the skills box (at the top of the Skills page).

Other skill box

Q: If you add skills in the Current Skills and Developing Skills sections, can I search for those skills?

A: Organizations can run a detailed report on skills (with advanced filters) via the Reports section Reports tab.

NOTE: You can also use the Keywords field (General section) in a volunteer’s profile to track very specific skills (e.g. Piano Player) and search for the keyword via the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab. View more details about Keywords here.

Comments / Notes

Q: Is there a comment section or notes section?

A: There is a Notes section Comments and Notes section in a volunteer’s profile. Organizations can add multiple notes (no limit) and make them private or public (i.e. viewable by the volunteer). By default, notes are private (i.e. the note cannot be viewed by volunteers).

To add a note, select the Notes section Comments and Notes section and click on thePlus symbolsymbol (top right). Enter a Subject line (e.g. HR Issues) and type in your comment.
Save buttonthe note when complete.

Notes page, volunteer profile

Q: Can volunteers see comments in their profile?

A: By default, notes are private so only Administrators and Supervisors can view notes. However, you can click the “public” check box to allow the comment to be viewed by a volunteer.

Notes page, volunteer profile with box circled

Q: Can I add more than one comment or note for a volunteer?

A: Absolutely, there is no limit on how many Comments or Notes you add, organizations can add as many notes as they wish.

Inviting Volunteers, Supervisors, and Administrators

Q: How do I add a new Volunteer, Supervisor or Administrator to use Charity Republic?

A: An organization can add volunteers by clicking on the Volunteers tab Volunteers Tab then selecting the “+” icon and selecting Create Volunteer or Create Administrator or Create Supervisor. Simply add the following information to create a new profile:

  • Name: First Name and Last Name of the volunteer.
  • Status: The status of the volunteer (e.g. Active, Pending Approval).
  • Started: The date the volunteer started to volunteer with your organization.

General Tab

Q: How do I invite a Volunteer or Supervisor to use Charity Republic?

An organization can invite volunteers, supervisors, or administrators to use Charity Republic by selecting the Save and Invite button Save and Invite button, Charity Republicon the volunteer’s profile (top right) 

The following screen will appear. Enter the email address here (the email address will autopopulate if an email address has already been added to the volunteer’s General profile).

Email Invitation to Volunter, Charity Republic

When the Send button is selected, they will receive an email invitation to create a Charity Republic account.

Q: What does a Volunteer and Supervisor invitation look like?

When a volunteer has been invited to use Charity Republic, they will receive an email message as follows.

Volunteer email invitation text, Charity Republic

Both the subject line and the message will include the name of your organization (e.g. Happy Good Charity Centre).

The volunteer simply selects the Accept link to create a volunteer account with their own username and password.


A volunteer’s username appears in the General tab (first tab on left) of their volunteer profile.

Also, we can upload your volunteers for you. Simply fill out the excel template we provide and share it with us for uploading (it takes 5 minutes on our end)!

Q: How do I know if a Volunteer has accepted the invitation?

A:  Select a volunteer. At the bottom of the General tab (first tab on left), it will indicate whether the volunteer has accepted the invitation.

Volunteer has not accepted invitation, General Tab

Q: Can we just add a Volunteer without inviting them to use Charity Republic?
– What if a Volunteer does not have an email address?
– If we don’t invite the Volunteer, are we responsible for adding all of the Volunteer’s information?

A: It’s your choice as a coordinator whether to invite a volunteer to use Charity Republic or not. Perhaps some of your volunteers are not tech savvy, or you prefer to have full control over a volunteer’s profile.

There are several options for updating a volunteer’s profile if you prefer not to invite them to use Charity Republic:

  • We can bulk upload volunteers and relevant profile information for you. In case you need help uploading your existing volunteers into Charity Republic, we can share the Excel template with you.
  • Volunteers can update their profile information when they arrive for orientation (e.g. on a work computer)
  • A Volunteer Manager can request a volunteer to share the necessary profile information and it can be manually added to a volunteer’s profile

You also have the ability to invite a segment of your volunteers (e.g. youth, volunteers that are comfortable with technology). Either way, the Administrator and Supervisor will have access to all Volunteer Profile information for editing if required.

Q: What if my Volunteer does not have an email but I still want them to manage their own profile?

A: The Administrator or Supervisor can send the volunteer invitation to themselves and create an account for volunteers in this situation.

– Select the Save and Invite button Save and Invite button, Charity Republicin the volunteer’s profile (top right)
– Enter your email address and select Send
– You will receive an email invitation
– Accept the invitation and register as a volunteer

NOTE: Ensure that the Administrator or Supervisor is logged out of their account before “Accepting” the email invitation.  Otherwise, the volunteer will be linked to the Administrator or Supervisor account.

Q: What happens if my volunteer registers as an organization (Administrator) instead of as a volunteer?

A: When a volunteer registers as an organization, simply send your volunteer an invitation (see instructions above). The volunteer can then click on the link in the email invitation and instead of registering for another account, they can log in using the same username and password they originally created.

Q: What happens if my Volunteer or Supervisor did not receive the invitation?

A: It’s not common for email invitations to be marked as junk, but sometimes they can get caught through spam filters and go to Junk folders. Please have your volunteer double check their Junk folder. If there is a Search function in the volunteer’s email client, they can also search on “” to locate the email. Finally, a volunteer can add “” to a Safe Senders List so that it does not get blocked in the future.