Why isn’t a volunteer receiving email invitations?

If a volunteer is not receiving email invitations, there are several possible reasons why:

  • The contact’s email was entered incorrectly   

If the contact’s email has been inputted incorrectly (e.g. spelling errors), then the invitation will not go through. Please ensure that volunteers have provided the correct email address and that there are no errors in spelling.

NOTE: You can confirm a volunteer’s email (and username) via a volunteer profile. To view volunteer profiles, click Volunteers on the left side and search for the volunteer in question.

  • Invitation emails have not been received by a contact or organization 

Emails from “noreply@charityrepublic.com” may be directed to spam filters depending on the email firewall in use by a volunteer. Please ask the volunteer to check their Spam and/or Junk folders and to add “noreply@charityrepublic.com” to a Safe List.